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4° Through 14°
Solomon's Lodge of Perfection

The Ineffable Degrees ( 4° – 14° )

The first portion of the Scottish Rite system of degrees is called The Lodge of Perfection. This series of degrees includes the 4° through to the 14° and are referred to as the ineffable degrees. Ineffable comes from the Latin ineffibilis which means something that should not be spoken.

Solomons Lodge of Perfection

Jason Green, 33°
Thrice Potent Master

Line Officers 2024-2025

Thrice Potent Master Jason Green, 33°
Deputy Master Joshua A. Irizarry
Senior Warden Thomas Briggs, Jr.
Junior Warden Andrew Palmer
Orator Kyle N. Gamache
Master of Ceremonies Frederick Wilmott
Captain of the Guard Matthew D. Cerullo

The first portion of the Scottish Rite system of degrees is called The Lodge of Perfection.

This series of degrees includes the 4° through to the 14° and are referred to as the ineffable degrees. Ineffable comes from the  Latin ineffibilis which means something that should not be spoken.

4° – Builder

A Master Mason seeks divine guidance.
Philosophy: Brothers grow together in Scottish Rite.
Core Values: Reverence for God, Integrity, & Service

5° – Perfect Master

Two sons of Aaron, corrupted by greed and ambition, allow the sacred flame to extinguish.
Philosophy: Trustworthiness is more valuable than life and is the basis for Masonic honor.
Core Values: Reverence for God, Justice & Integrity.

6° - Master of the Brazen Serpent

When the children of Israel encounter a rough and dangerous journey through the desert, they rebel against Moses and God.
Philosophy: The answer to the spiritual problems of mankind is faith in ourselves and in God.
Core Values: Reverence for God.

7° - Provost and Judge

A dispute among the workmen where honesty and justice prevail.
Philosophy: We should render justice to all mankind.
Core Values:
Justice & Integrity.

8° - Intendent of the Building

Based on the Old Testament story of King David and his assignment to his son, the future King Solomon.
Philosophy: The degree reminds us that each honor we receive requires attention to a particular duty.
Core Values: Service, Integrity, & Reverence for God.

9° - Master of the Temple

The Temple of King Solomon is dedicated by priests of many religions.
Philosophy: We should not be too zealous in executing justice.
Core Values: Reverence for God & Service.

10° - Master Elect

King Solomon learns of his sentence from which there is no appeal.
Philosophy: The violator of his obligations to God will not go unpunished.
Core Values: Reverence for God & Justice.

11° - Sublime Master Elected

King Solomon's tax collector violates the public trust.
Philosophy: When confronted by corrupt, tyrannical, or illegal behavior on the part of a person in authority, the nation should remain loyal and courageous.
Core Values: Integrity.

12° - Master of Mercy

Joseph forgives his brothers for selling him into slavery.
Philosophy: We are taught forgiveness, compassion, and brotherly love.
Core Values: Justice & Integrity.

13° - Master of the Ninth Arch

The degree dramatizes the dangers encountered as men search for the lost word.
Philosophy: We are reminded that difficulties and dangers should not deter us from pursuing moral perfection.
Core Values: Reverence for God.

14° - Grand Elect Mason

The essence of Symbolic Masonry is compiled in lessons of the Lodge of Perfection.
Philosophy: Members are encouraged to worship God at the altar of their choice.
Core Values: Reverence for God.