Monthly Events
Monday, October 21, 2024
7:00p.m. Rehearsal
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
6:00p.m. - Dinner (Cast Only)
7:00p.m. - Business Meeting
Executive & Cathedral, Inc
Meeting following the Business Meeting
Rehearsal - 7:15p.m.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Solomon’s Lodge of Perfection
6:00p.m. - Dinner
5:30p.m. - 4˚ - Builder - Candidates Only in the Conference Room
7:00p.m. - 14˚ - Grand Elect Mason
Upcoming Degrees
Monthly Notice
How does a Master Mason continue his journey in Scottish Rite?
Freemasons are known as travelling men. Masons are charged with travelling from the west to the source of light in the east. Light in Masonry is knowledge, and from that knowledge comes awareness, understanding, and wisdom.
The 29 Scottish Rite degrees reflect our Core Values and provide a rich path to “more light” in Masonry. Through the degrees, educational resources, and shared experiences with Brethren from across the jurisdiction, there is no end to the symbolic journey a Master Mason can take within the Scottish Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
4 Scottish Rite Bodies
Each Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies; each body confers a specific set of degrees. These degrees teach the moral codes of a Mason. The Valley of Providence Scottish Rite bodies include:
Latest News
The Children’s Dyslexia Center of RI is looking for volunteers
We focus on what's truly important. Our members and their Fraternity!
Provide Inspiration for our members through meaningful programs and degrees. Provide Convenient opportunities for our members to enhance their lives, Provide Enjoyable programs and fellowship activities for our members Inspiration, Convenience, and Enjoyment